Our Steps...
Rajkumar Tiwari represent India as figer skating player and won gold medal in Individual event & silver medal in pair events in special Olympic World winter games held in South Korea 2013.This page is maintained by RWAS.From the congested bylanes of central Delhi’s Paharganj to icy arenas in glittering Seoul, it has been a journey to fame and honour for Rajkumar Tiwari who won gold medal in Individual event & silver medal in pair events in special Olympic World winter games held in South Korea 2013.Raj could not go for the 2011 Special Summer Olympics because he had no passport.
Self - Respect
An initiative of RAWS, aims to bring pride and dignity for our girl.’Self-respect’, is a programme designed to enable women to realize their full potential in every sphere, be it home, office or community. This programme helps in enhancing the skills and information relevant to make them realize their self-esteem. Again, ‘Self-respect’ is not anti-men, but it encourages women to defend themselves and escape from violence and advocates men to be a part of bringing due dignity for our girl child.
Education Program
Education is the key to empowering women and girls, which helps bringabout social equality. Girls’ education programme works on improvinglives and providing opportunities for girls and women through increasedparticipation in formal and alternative education systems. The programbuilds on innovative pilot projects and strategic partnerships developed by RAWS over the last decade. RAWS works closely with government-runschools and the different levels within the Government.leadership skills amongst girls and offer alternative educationopportunities for women and girls who have never been enrolled or have dropped out early from school.